Extra Curricular Programs


All students enjoy participating in the Bluearth program at Lara Primary School.

Bluearth is a program that improves the health and wellbeing of students by encouraging increased participation in physical activity.

It uses specifically designed games, movements and postures to promote a number of principles that lead to achieving improved social, personal, physical and academic outcomes.

These are:

· Ability to concentrate and remain focused on specific tasks

· Self confidence

· Cooperation

· Awareness of others

· A willingness to accept new challenges

· Improving behaviour/choices

For more information go to www.bluearth.org


We are extremely fortunate to have a fantastic library at Lara Primary School.

All students spend an session per week browsing and borrowing books from our extensive array of quality children’s literature.

The library provides books for classroom reading corners and classroom libraries. Classroom teachers and library technicians assists students to select appropriate texts.

We are open every morning at 8.30am allowing children to regularly exchange their books or just drop in to read before school.

Book week occurs in August of every year with the library being a hive of activity during this week. Parents and Carers are welcome to visit our library.


Each year the school offers a water safety and awareness program.

All children from grade Prep – 4 can participate in the program, which aims to teach water skills, water safety and strokes required for a child to become confident and competent in the water.

Details, fees and consent forms are provided prior to the program. Each year the upper primary year level students take part in a water activity day at Adventure Park.